Prosperous and sustainable food and fiber production - from organic to conventional and everything in between - relies on access to pesticides, fertilizers, and biotechnology


Biotechnology (GMOs):

When people refer to genetically modified organisms - GMOs - they are referring to crops developed through genetic engineering, a more precise method of plant breeding. Genetic engineering, also referred to as biotechnology, allows plant breeders to take a desirable trait found in nature and transfer it from one plant or organism to the plant they want to improve, as well as make a change to an existing trait in a plant they are developing. Some examples of desirable traits commonly transferred include resistance to insects and disease and tolerance to herbicides that allow farmers to better control weeds (GMO Answers).



Pesticides are substances that prevent, destroy, repel, or reduce the severity of plant pests. Pests are living things that occur where they are not wanted or that cause damage to humans, crops, or animals. Pests can be insects, rodents, unwanted plants, bacteria, viruses, or different types of fungus. Pesticides are used in a variety of ways. In vector control programs, pesticides aim to reduce pests that transmit disease, such as mosquitoes, ticks, or rodents. They are used to target pests that are destructive to agriculture, forestry or aquatic environments, as well as control the spread of invasive species like Scotch Broom and Himalayan Blackberries.



Simply put, fertilizer—or even simpler, plant food—is any combination of specific nutrients designed to provide the nourishment essential for growth and maintenance of crops. (Fertilizer Institute)