OFS Stewardship and Service Activities

OFS is actively engaged in a wide variety of service and stewardship activities, from service on advisory bodies and formal Councils to direct engagement and education activities with community members. The overarching goal of much of our stewardship work is to support the safe and effective use of pesticides, fertilizers, and biotechnology to ensure a safe, high quality, and dependable supply of food and fiber.

Our primary stewardship work is focused through our 501c(3), the Northwest Food and Forest Foundation. Through this foundation, we pursue projects that directly engage producers and other applicators, providing outreach and education directly informed by the pressing policy challenges we work on through our 501c(6).

In addition to our stewardship program, OFS staff engage in service and stewardship activities in various ways throughout the state.

Governor Appointed Councils

Oregon Environmental Justice Council: Katie Murray, OFS Executive Director, and Tiffany Monroe, OFS Grassroots Director, both serve in Governor-appointed roles on Oregon’s Environmental Justice Council. Through this service, we advocate for Oregon’s vulnerable communities, including Oregon’s rural communities and the natural resource sectors that are foundational to them. 

Oregon Racial Justice Council: Tiffany Monroe, OFS Grassroots Director, serves in a Governor-appointed role on Oregon’s Racial Justice Council, and co-chairs the Environmental Equity Committee. Through this important work, Tiffany works to center racial equity in state programs and policies related to environment and natural resources.

Other State Program Service

OFS staff also serve in long-term roles on several advisory bodies and task forces focused on stewardship and best management practices within Oregon’s natural resource sector. These include: